Just Had A Follow-up Visit With My Oncologist...WBC Still A Bit On The Rise And Platelets Low.
He wants me do go through a CT Bone Marrow Biopsy. Has anyone else gone through this procedure, and what does it supposedly reveal? Just questioning why I'm still watching and waiting...???
Thank you!! 😊 Same to you!
I’ve had quite a few. There wasn’t much discomfort but they did have me take an Ativan before. I would have liked to have been just a little sedated. After my first, I started watching a video of the procedure online. I had to stop it. Thankfully I did because I ended up have a few more after that. I’m okay without the visuals. Good luck to you. The way I feel is any test can be a preventive. After AML, a bone marrow transplant and now severe chronic GVHD, I welcome them.
I've been watching and waiting for 3 years. WBC almost 100K. Have lab every 3 months and CT scan every 6 months. i've only had one bone marrow biopsy, and it was done under guided x-ray with some conscious sedation. Not too bad. It is sometimes frustrating with the waiting, but that's all I can do with this point. Feel exhausted most of the time and have to force myself to do anything. Pray everything goes OK for you
Of all of my biopsies (20 so far), I'd have to say a CT guided one is my favorite. It helps identify the nerve clusters so they can be avoided during the procedure. I'd also have them done with twilight sedation. My new oncologist only offers x-ray guided and it sees to work pretty well. And they only offer conscious sedation.
I would also find out if they use a drill or the t-handle tool. If possible, request the drill.
To Rich 789
I have had two Bone Marrow Biopsy . There a little discomfort but no real pain. You feel pressure but not pain.
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