Does Anyone Use Cannabis To Treat Their Cancer?
I have CML. I was dx’d 10/27/2021
You got me! For four years now I have been using Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) A very poten concoction made from the best strain of marijuana buds! I have eaten, dropped in my drinks and 3 nights a week now I put a drop in my belly button and a bandaid over it. Anyhow, My last cancer visit I was told to keep up my natural treatment routine! At that time because it is a VA Hospital they have to the LAW! I have to say something else here! I'm currently fighting Cancer but I also have Parkinson's! I just had my open heart surgery rescheduled for mid September! Anyhow I will continue my routine! Google Rick Simpson Canada and see what they did to him? He may still be on the Most Wanted List? All for the Love of his Father! A lot of People think oh your nothing but a doper or a stoner! A lot more names are available for sure? Just google that! Thank You for letting me spill my guts on this much appreciated platform
Different things work and help different people. I understand why Micheal does not report to care team but would advise to let them know just to be on safe side as they would know of any reported problems with other meds.
Medically legal in 33 states says it helps someone ❣️
Yes, some people use medical marijuana to treat symptoms associated with leukemia or its treatment. Here are some key points from the knowledge base:
- Usage: Medical marijuana is used to treat chronic pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and insomnia
- Effectiveness: Research indicates that cannabinoids may improve Show Full Answer
Why Doesn't This Social Media Call CMML A Type Of Leukemia?
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