My Husband Has Stage 4 CLL. No Meds. Due To Weak Immune. Recently Started Having Bad Night Sweats. Your Thoughts Please?
Our house a/c is 71 days & 67/68 nights. He sweats all day but ceiling fan helps. Very recently he's started sweating a lot more at night, in bed. He's up/down all night w/bathroom regardless. So it's very disturbing to suddenly start sweating so much. Not like drenched but a lot more than during the day.
You input is appreciated!
Hi Brenda I'm sorry your husband's having such a difficult time, at stage 3 I had a lot of night sweats and some day sweats. It was miserable, talk to you oncologist about your husband taking Brukinsa or another type of immunotherapy. My night sweats went away as soon as my wbcs fell because of the medication I was taking. I went from stage 3 to a stage 2 which made a huge difference. always in my prayers stay cool take care Ron
I am having exactly the same problem, and sometimes it is alot. But then again for a time maybe not as much, I am upand down to bathroom too, and it is amazing as never knew others had this same probem of being up an down etc. But yes, it is a problem to sweat.
My Primary just answered me, I was," having my "change" and I am going to be 74 yrs old in Sept! But am going to ask him about ( Or my Oncologist/Hematologist, maybe more so) about 'medicine 'as guess they do have medicine to help you, So maybe if we ask about this we may have a medicine to help us? I also sweat very easily even when I am busy at all during the day. I do not appreciate this at all.
Just do not see what else can be done?
I'm stage 1 and I also sweat at night where I have to change my shirt. Don't know why and some nights nothing at all I wish there was a cure for CLL ,GOD BLESS US ALL!
Is he on steroids? Sometimes the adrenals get “squeezed” too and it wreaks havoc. Poor guy! Amazon sells cooling neck wear, etc that could help! I’m a firm believer in “any little comfort” helps!
Hi Brenda
So sorry your husband is going through this
As I remember I was going through the exact same thing It all stopped about a year before I started treatment although the cancer progression in bone morrow got worse I see A lot of people have given you good info on management of the sweating issues Your great guidance on doing all the right things is a gift for your husband My update…
I am almost 4 years in a lovely undetectable remission now from my clinical trial
Take care of Brenda
Grateful Barb
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