Does CLL Cause You To Be 'out Of Breath'?
It seems as though I'm always short of breath when I do anything physical anymore. Not pleasant...constantly tired.
I have this problem frequently anymore low hemoglobin and anemic it definitely contributes to being out of breath. I believe the hemoglobin has something to do with how oxygen is transported in the body
I'm the same. Lots of breaks to do anything. Hang in there.
Thanks for your input, Marie. Be well!
I have just began to experience shortness of breath. I have had been in treatment for over 20 years. Several chemo treatments. I am now on meds that help keep the CLL somewhat under control.
The thing I have found with CLL is don’t do not think it is a “chronic” so you don’t need to stay on top of it. That is not true. Everyone is different and everyone has different reaction to it meds, treatments etc.
In the past I was a jogger. I have good lung capacity over 4 quarts (4L.) Today when I do an activity I find myself breathing harder after 10 minutes of exercise. It is like I am missing some lung capacity or not enough blood is being oxygenated? I wonder if WBC are in the lung displacing red blood cells? I am not anemic and my medical treatment has given me a normal WBC count of 6900? I read an article that the nose is a possible exposure to illness and it was discovered excess WBC are located in the nose to intercept foreign particles which may lead to illness. When I am active and find myself breathing harder I can stop and within a minute be breathing normal. I still do not know why my breathing is impacted so soon when doing a task? There must be other factors which affect a persons body which causes an increased need for air like when jogging? I hope someone discovers what the concern is that affects breathing?
Has Anyone Relapsed With HCL More Than Once And What Time Frame?
Is There Anything I Can Do To Help With My Shortness Of Breath?
What Impact Does CLL Have On Breathing?