What Numbers For Rbc And Hemoglobin Might Result In Watch And Wait?
In the context of leukemia, the decision to adopt a "watch and wait" approach is typically based on various prognostic features and overall prognosis rather than specific RBC and hemoglobin numbers. However, here are some relevant details:
- Normal RBC Ranges
- Men: 4.7 million to 6.1 million per microliter
- Women: Show Full Answer
I had not been told an exact number regarding red blood cells or anything except white blood cells count number which is 8000. I should ask for better information but I always hear each result as "this is normal?" I think this is part of the "wait & watch" process where a person doesn't get a full explanation of their health status. I think the visit is a "timed" process to get people out of the office as soon as possible without providing poor information which could affect our mental health versus good information which may effect our mental health?
Oct. 9, RBC 3.4, Hemoglobin 11.3, WBC 8.7 And Platelets 150. Anyone With Similar Numbers And They Are In Wait And Watch?
So I Have CLL My Doctor Says We Should Watch And Wait My WBC Is At 19 At What Point Should I Be Having Some Kind Of Treatment
What Rbc And Hemoglobin Numbers Put You In A Wait And See Situation