People Should Realize That They Are In Charge Of Their Health And Treatment. I Think The Medical People Are Just Team Members.
People should use professionals as team members to help them find a solution to restore their health. In the 21st century there are medication to restore peoples health. The wait and see process is something from the last century before medications were discovered. People should be treated before their organs are damaged from excess B or T cells.
Forty years ago there were no solid medications for many illnesses. Today there are many medications which are very effective without ill after affects. I was given a medication for my CLL which had a big list of ill affects? I had to decide if I wanted to experiment with my health or avoid a new medication? I decided to take the medication with a whole list of ill affects. I had no ill affects which I was very surprised? I now realize that medically all aspects of a medication are presented so a person is not surprised with possible ill affects. My medication did provide a healthy effect of controlled WBC count which is normal. I hope other medications are as effective as my medication and there are no ill affects.
So happy for you..You have found something that works for you..we all make Different choices for our body's .if it is working for happy
Are you on any meds now? I do worry every time I'm prescribed a new med but also worry if I don't it could throw me into Richter's syndrome - which a new oncologists said I was close to doing. I feel like we get such sketchy answers to our questions it's hard to know what to do!
The Doctors make those decisions.. meds and chemo destroy your organs's best to keep your body Organs safe .. there's lots of Healthy ways to beat this.. Have a Beautiful night
It's great to see such an empowered perspective on health management! When it comes to leukemia, there are indeed several modern treatments available that can help manage the disease and prevent organ damage. Here are some key points from my knowledge base:
- Stem Cell Transplants: This involves aggressive chemotherapy Show Full Answer
I Was Diagnosed In July. I Have Told Immediate Family Only Do Far!
I Will Be Seeing My Doctor This Month. I Have Not Been Collecting Any Information About My Condition. What Information Do People Collect ??
I Like To Say "hello" To People.