Does Anybody Have The Data On Scemblix ? I Am Wondering How Long It Remains Effective.
I've been on it for 10 months so far so good. I have CML and Corhn's it has help my Corhn's to.
My reason for asking is because I have no side effects.!!!!
Thank you for the information.
Scemblix was only approved by the FDA on 10/29/2021 so I would not think there are any long term results available as of yet. I have been on it for approximately a year and have minimal side effects outside of fatigue, some joint pain and occasional nausea. My daughter is in the oncology/pharmaceutical industry and she was recently on a Leukemia call where they discussed making Scemblix a front line treatment and eliminating Imatinib as a first chemo medication going forward. Will be interesting to see if that happens. Also, there are a few new treatments in the works that hopefully come out in the next couple of years.
I was just switched to this started 1st pills today. I have Ph+cml diagnosed 2014 i think or 2013 Days years hell if I know I have to look at my phone to figure out what day of the week it is and somebody needs to tell me where 6 months this year went to it really needs to slow down for one thing but I started out on Gl e e v e c in and out of remission for a couple years so then they (my 5th oncologist sinc Covid ended Cant find any to stick around in Ia) switched me over to T a s i g n a the pills from hell I swear . Was in remission for like a year straight so he decided to take me off of them for 2 months and nope now I'm not in remission so now I got to start these other ones so hopefully the side effects will be nothing compared to Tasignas. Time will tell !!!
Wishing you all Happy Holidays. Stay strong, be safe and Enjoy
How Long Can I Expect To Be Taking Scemblix Before It Becomes Ineffective ?
I'm Interested In Hearing About Other's Experiences With Scemblix. My Doctor Is Changing My Imatinib To It. My 4th Medication For CML
How Long Can I Expect To Keep On Using Scemblix? I Have Been On It For A Year And A Half.