Does The Fatigue Ever End?
if you feel shitty depressed and can not stand bad news. don’t read on..
my fatigue has never gone away. and i
am 3 months off chemo and all
meds. 2 years in remission and 3 negative bone marrow biopsy’s. multiple myeloma/ plasma cell leukemia
i just learned how to deal with it.
extra strength tylenol hot showers
lots of prayers and understanding from my friends and family.
it’s a trade off i’d rather be in remission with the side effects. than have the damn disease without the side effects
love and understanding and gratitude from Nashville
“I have cancer!! Cancer does NOT have me”
We are survivors but its ok to say how much we dislike having to go thru this cancer...It is no cake walk and I'm tired of being sent around for tests but I sure do want a few more years to help & watch my Grandkids grow up..
I am 62 years old and was diagnosed with AML in July 2020.
I had my Bone Marrow Transplant in December 2020.
I am 1 year and 7 months post transplant.I vividly remember wondering if I was ever going to get past this debilitating fatigue. I am happy to report that I am finally getting my energy back and the debilitating fatigue is gone.
That is not to say I don't have to take an occasional nap but it is no longer constant.
For me it was the worst part. It does get better. Once my numbers started improving I could notice the increased energy and the constant fatigue decrease dramatically.
It just takes time but it is worth the wait.
I have not had treatment thus far. However, I can say that fatigue comes & goes. When I am exhausted, I just have to have a pajama day
multi vit., c, d, e, b complex, zinc, fish oil, along with allergy pill (helps with the bone pain) Claratin
Ok What Do People Do For No Energy And Being Tired?
If I Am In Remission, And No Longer Need To Take Calquence, Why Do Still Have Fatigue And Chemo Brain?
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