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Is There Someone That Could Read My Blood Tests And Flow Cytrometry Test And Explain It All To Me?

A MyLeukemiaTeam Member asked a question 💭
Sidney, NY
June 21, 2023
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A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

the final interpretation is vague except that I have two clones, not the usual one....I have blood tests tomorrow and see the oncologist in October. If I feel I dont have a good explanation by then I will get a second opinion .......I feel relatively well. I have to take my 2:00 naps and found out this weekend that I cant overdo or I sleep the following day. I try to get my exercise in. My sister is telling me that all old people (76) need naps and more rest and not to worry about it. I try not to think about things but would sure love a complete explanation of my situation. I think I will ask for the FISH test as that is supposed to help define the questions I have.....thank you for your note and time

From the lab report on the Flow Cytrometry test:
"Comment: (by WHO criteria, the two populations are:
1) B cell clonality of undetermined significance, CLL-type (lambda restricted, smaller population
2)B cell Clonality of undetermined significance, non-CLL type (Kappa restricted, larger population)

The NON_CLL clone has a non-specific immunophenotype, lacking both CD5 and CD10, which is often associated with marginal zone lymphoma.

While the two clones are large enough to explain the lymphocytosis, neither may have current clinical significance given the currently otherwise normal CBC"

so do I have CLL or not and what the heck is going on? MY GP says I only have the lymphocytosis....

I am probably being a baby about all of this but this stuff is scary to me....I just want to know exactly what this is and what is happening...again, thank you for your time (assuming you read this whole thing)...have a great day

July 24, 2023
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

Hi Diane, may be you can give us what your figures are.

June 21, 2023
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

Hi DIane819,
Your doctor can explain the results of your blood tests to you. You can also find the answers on this website. They have an article about understanding blood counts. Read and see if that helps and like someone else said, Dr. Google can also answer what your counts mean. You can search them one category at time and you will get a general answer. Also, as many people have said, it is not only about blood counts, it about your symptoms, and about your lymph nodes, spleen, etc.
Your oncologist can answer all your questions. It is worth an appointment or at least a video chat.
Hope you get your answer.

December 23, 2023
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

that is exactly my oncologist kind of laughed at me when i told him I want to know everything....and dismissed me as worrying too much....I worry about the things I dont know!!! Blood tests again tomorrow...and I will try to remember to let you know anything I find out. I spent an hour searching the web for answers and got some good news and some bad news.....I best wait until I get the whole story even if I have to go to another oncologist for a second I feel like I could run a marathon so it cant be too bad.....thank you so much for your time and well wishes....

July 24, 2023
A MyLeukemiaTeam Member

No problem. Interesting results. If you find out their significance and you don't mind, let me know. I can empathize with you on not knowing what's happening. I would rather know everything, even if it's bad news rather then be in the dark. At least I know what I'm dealing with then. Good luck and wish you the best.

July 24, 2023

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