One of those days 😔 This is a different kind of question but does anyone get so tired not fatigued but tired of hurting. I just got diagnosed early this year and I am so tired of it.
“Tired” is a vague word that covers all kinds of fatigue. There is a difference between regular (everyday) fatigue and cancer-related fatigue.
I think your tiredness is just a mild form of fatigue
Everyday fatigue starts with a baseline of health. You may feel sleepy or worn out from long hours, exertion, or unrelenting stress — but you don’t feel persistently exhausted or sick. You can get out of bed and power through the day, even if you don’t want to. A cup of coffee or a nap might perk you up.
They usually relate this type of fatigue to external factors: lack of sleep, stress, or an extra-hard workout. But internally, your body is working well and is healthy.
Cancer-related fatigue is different. It can start before diagnosis. It is not the average, everyday tiredness. It drains you of energy, makes your arms and legs feel like lead, and doesn’t relent, no matter how many hours you sleep. Treatment, stress, sleep issues, medications, pain, poor nutrition, and other cancer-related factors can worsen the condition.
My fatigue was warning me something was wrong, but I ignored the signals until it got to the point where I couldn’t do my work as I preferred.
Tonya3 2 and half years for me and I'm sick of it. Looking for that lite at the end of the tunnel. So many ups and downs.,mostly downs. T-cell LGLL.with PRCA. I hope the fight is worth all the trouble. Keep a stiff upper lip . jim
I too am sick n tired of being sick n tired
I totally understand. Things have changed since my diagnosis and not better
Iam Always Tired Is There Anything I Can
Ok What Do People Do For No Energy And Being Tired?
My Husband Has AML. He Is Very Tired In The Evenings. Any Suggestions How He Can Improve His Energy Level In The Evenings