Have Not Started Treatment For CLL But Was Awaken By Intense Pain In Shin Bone ..15min Of Pai ..is That An Indication To Start Treatment ?
Hi Kate. In my 8 yrs with CLL (no treatment thankfully) I have not experienced that, however, I would begin with reaching out to your regular doctor first if the pain continues. And you could also contact your oncologist and ask them what their thought is on it. Oncologists primarily look at all of your blood work, whether your spleen is enlarged, enlarged lymph nodes, etc in determining treatment. Best of luck and hope it feels better real soon:):)
Thank you
Experiencing intense pain in the shin bone can be concerning. According to the knowledge base, bone and joint pain can occur because leukemia cells build up in the bone marrow. However, whether this indicates the need to start treatment for CLL depends on various factors, including other symptoms and test results. It's Show Full Answer
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