Has Any Had A CT Bone Marrow Test In The Hospital? My Original Test Was Not Deep Enough And Did Not Produce A Good Specimen For Testing.
I will never do another Bone Bx without some sort of sedation. Thay didn't even offer me anything when telling me about having one done.
I had a total of 20 bone marrow biopsies all done in the hospital sedative after first 3
I had my first BMD in June of this year in a hospital. They put sedation in my back before the needle. I had no problem during the procedure or after.
My problem came when they told me to get on the table with arms stretched out like Super Man!!! There was no stool to assist me. I have had both knees replaced and my right hip. Trying to kneel on the metal table was painful. They insisted I get on the table. So I thought I was a walrus and I was going to dive onto the platform. And I just dove onto the table. The doctor said “that’ll work”
I’ve had 5 at the doctors office. The rest were at the hospital, much better
Marianne2- I had a CT scan two days ago and getting onto the table was a bit of a mess. I, too have two knees and a hip, and "swinging my feet into the donut hole" was a bit rough. Fortunately the two techs were able to assist and the whole thing was a lot simpler than I had expected. I love the diving like a walrus. Very creative.
Hello, I Would Like To Know If All People Diagnosed With CLL Are Diagnosed Based On The Results Of A Bone Marrow Biopsy Or If In Some Cases
I Will Turn 70 In August 22, I’m On My 3rd Medication For CML, Celebrate 10 Year Survivor July 25th. Bone Marrow August. Is This Common
I Thought Of Having Another Test. Bone Marrow Or Whatever. I Have Only Had The Blood Test, It Said Stage 0 And CLL. Is It Too Early Or Best