At What WBC Do You Need To Start Treatment?
I have always been a proactive advocate for my health and that of my family. Doctors are only human; they make mistakes, they don't always listen, they get tired, etc. No one should rely on them solely for your care. You need to research (but don't believe everything on the internet) and ask questions. As patients, we need to be able to make informed decisions.
I hope more people realize that they are in charge of their health care and other people including doctors work for them. We should have enough information to make importance choices of health care. Health care people are good sources of health care but when they are in the "wait and see" mode they seem to not be focused on healthy solutions because they seem to not be focused on resolving a medical concern?
After one year of not getting any answers I requested medication. I did not have any affected organs which doctors seem to be "waiting" for infection nor did doctor "watch" me get sicker or have less energy? My medication gives me normal WBC count without ill affects. My insurance pays 100% for my pills which cost $500 per day. I hope you realize that you are uncharge of your health care and the doctors work for you. I did not want to be some experiment during the "wait and watch" period. I am happy with my life and ready for a good future with more blood tests and more doctor appointments.
The need to start treatment for leukemia is not solely based on a specific white blood cell (WBC) count. However, having very high numbers of WBCs at diagnosis may indicate faster-growing leukemia and a worse outlook. This can affect the likelihood of remission and the potential for the leukemia to return or progress Show Full Answer
I Don't Understand What The Numbers Mean
Anyone Have 13q Deletion
What Is The Thinking Behind The Watch And Wait Period?