Do Any Of You Suffer From Excessive Sweating Even When It Isn’t That Hot?
I was diagnose with CLL in January, 2009. Happy New Year to me!
Oh my gosh yes. I have tried everything from bamboo socks and sheets to summer pajamas.. I had a doctor explain to me that it is menopause…wrong. When I feel them coming on at night I get out of bed get some cool air and water and hope it passes quickly. Its definitely the CLL.
This summer I used a box fan to bring in cool air and I did not over heat at night. During the summer day I cooled myself with a fan when at home. This winter my wife wanted 3 blankets on the bed. I over heated so I use 1 or 2 blankets at night depending how cool it is at night. This summer I did lots of years work including splitting oak fire wood with an ax and sledge hammer. I would start sweating after an hour and by the second hour I would be wet.. I did this work 7 AM to 9 AM when it was cool outside. I hope you can use a fan or dress lite to resolve your hot issue? My medication has been working and my blood is normal 6.9K white blood cell (WBC.) Breathing, body temperature, low energy are still health concerns even though all blood tests seem normal?
It is awful! I sweat during the day too. It’s embarrassing.
Sweating at night is my biggest complaint
Thanks for sharing. I wish we could know all the smytoms.
I Will Turn 70 In August 22, I’m On My 3rd Medication For CML, Celebrate 10 Year Survivor July 25th. Bone Marrow August. Is This Common
Can You Have Night Sweats During The Day? Sometimes I Sweat So Bad That The Tip Of My Hair Is Dripping Wet.
Has Anyone Experienced Extreme Fatigue Before Getting Treatment For CLL?